PowerRenamer Help

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Kurita Tetsuro

Script factory

PowerRenamer can rename multiple files at once.

About installation and required system.

Launch PowerRenamer from a lancher utility, because PowerRenamer obtain selected items in Finder as target items.

PowerRenamer can prepend or append a text into file names.

You can confirm how each filenames are changed before rename files actually.

You can pass files using a service menu "Rename Files" or dropping files to the application icon.

PowerRenamer can narrow down selection in Finder to help specifing files to be renamed.

Understanding regular expression is not so easy, but it gives big flexibility.

PowerRenamer can insert sequential numbers into file names. The order of numbers are determined by sorting order in Finder

Introduction about the regular expressions available with PowerRenamer

You can save settings sets for the lator use.

News and fixes.