ModuleLoader will load the first existing library matched for specified name. When same name libraries of different versions are installed, you can specify the version of the library to be loaded.
By using a sign of inequality, version specification of ModuleLoader is more flexible than one of AppleScript Libraries.
A version number can be stored in bundle infomation or in a part of a filename.
A version number can be stored as a value of "Short Version" or "Bundle Version" in bundle information. "Script" is useful to edit bundle information as a following image. When both of "Short Version" and "Bundle Version" exists in bundle information, "Short Version" will be preferred.
The "Short Version" and the "Bundle Version" correspond with "CFBundleShortVersionString" and "CFBundleVersion" in "Info.plist" file respectively.
Also a filename of a library can include the version number. The version number in the filename is connected with "-" after the library name, as following. e.g. "LibraryName-1.2.3.scpt".
If a library have version numbers in both of bundle information and the filename, the version number in the filename will be used.
The version number consists of numbers separated by dots. Also one alphabetical character can be placed after the number, e.g. 1.2.3, 0.33.0, 1.0b.
Use "@version" command after the "@module" command to specify a version number of a library to be loaded as follows
Square brackets indicate optional arguments. You can specify a library version with not only simple version number of x.x.x but also conditions using sign of inequality. When a sign of inequality is omitted, ">=" is assumed.
The version numbers of loaded libraries are obtained by "module_version_of" handler of the loader script.